Comprehensive Plan 2040 and Blueprint Denver

In an effort to give community members an opportunity to share their thoughts on Denver’s vision for growth over the next 20 years with Denver’s Planning Board, a stand-alone listening session with the board will be held Wednesday, February 27. The session will be focused on the current drafts of Comprehensive Plan 2040 and Blueprint Denver, part of the Denveright family of plans that will help shape a more inclusive, connected and healthy city.
Planning Board Listening Session
4-7 p.m., Wednesday, February 27
Webb Municipal Building, Room 4.G.2-4.F.6
201 W. Colfax Ave., Denver
The session will be broadcast live on Denver 8.
The listening session is not a formal hearing. The board will not vote or take any action in the meeting.
City planners will use the comments to make final edits to the plan drafts. Complete information on the meeting is available on the Denveright website. We encourage you to help us get the word out about the meeting using the links below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best, Alex
Alexandra Foster | Communications Program Manager
Community Planning and Development | City and County of Denver
p: (720) 865.2969 |