Fourth and Gilpin Intersection

In April, Public Works will begin a long-planned reconstruction of the Fourth Avenue and Gilpin Street intersection. Fourth Avenue will be narrowed to 35 feet from its current width of more than 60 feet. This will be accomplished by building a series of three narrow east-west oriented islands, leaving the driving lanes on the south edge of the current curb and creating a one-way westbound driving and parking access at the north side of the present intersection. The present stop sign on eastbound Fourth Avenue will be moved east to align with southbound Gilpin Street. A stop sign will be added as southbound Williams Avenue bends west to Fourth Avenue.

Public Works will fund the bulk of this project, paying $43,300. Remaining allocated city moneys of former Councilwoman Jeanne Robb’s budget, $24,000, will cover the balance of the work. CCHN and Driving Park neighborhoods will be responsible for maintenance of the urns. Detailed drawings can be found at