Learn About Residential Building and Zoning Codes

Denver Community Planning and Development is hosting TWO upcoming events for homeowners and residential contractors – one this Sunday at the Garden and Home Show and a second in March at the Decker Public Library. These forums are great places to send residents who have zoning questions, want to learn more about accessory dwelling units (ADUs) or other home projects, or have questions about permits or contractors. Each event will include a presentation from our code experts and ample opportunity for Q&A.

Please share the two dates below with your residents and neighbors, in newsletters, and on social. Graphics are attached.

Links to Facebook events: February 17 | March 26

Denver Community Planning and Development invites you to learn about residential zoning and building codes

Join Denver’s residential code experts at the Garden and Home Show this Sunday, or at the Decker Public Library in March, for a presentation on Denver’s residential building and zoning codes. We’ll discuss the basics of pulling permits, hiring contractors or doing-it-yourself, and codes to consider when planning for common home projects, from fences to remodels to building a backyard cottage (an “accessory dwelling unit” or ADU). Your questions are important! We’ll have ample time for Q&A.

4 p.m., Sunday, February 17

Garden and Home Show at the Colorado Convention Center (look for the theater at the end of aisle 1200)

700 14th St., Denver

Visit www.coloradogardenfoundation.org for show hours and prices.


6 p.m., Tuesday, March 26

Decker Public Library

1501 S. Logan St., Denver

Thank you,

Laura Swartz | Development Services Communications

Community Planning and Development | City and County of Denver

p: (720) 865.2947 c: (720) 584.9137 | laura.swartz@denvergov.org

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