Summer 2016 General News

Urn & Gate Cleaning
If you walk by our iconic gates and welcoming urns, you have probably
noticed that they were in desperate need of cleaning and repair.
After bidding out the job to several companies, Rocky Mountain Hot Jetting
services completed the cleaning work on all 29 planters recently as well as the
gates, for a total of $1,500.
We will have several companies assess the gates and secure bids for the any
repairs that are needed to maintain the integrity of these historic structures.
Street Repaving Has Begun
As you have likely noticed, street paving has begun in our neighborhood. The city has not provided a timeline at this point, so please be patient and look forward to having nice, newly paved roads!
For weekly updates on the paving schedule, and to see future projects
in the works, you can visit
4th of July Parade
Please join us for the annual CCHN 4th of July Parade. We will gather at
9:30am at 4th and Franklin. This year the Crepe Gatsby will be servicing sweet and savory crepes, as well as coffee. There will also be balloon twisting and air brushed tattoos for the kids. Don’t forget to wear your most festive Independence Day attire! Bike, stroller, and wagon decorations are encouraged!