Election Sign Recycling

Dear Neighborhood Association and/or Neighborhood Association Representative:
Now that voting is done, it’s time to think about what to do with the election signs found in yards and along roadsides throughout the city. Denver Recycles is offering Denver residents a solution for keeping some of those signs out of the landfill. Our Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-Off is now accepting corrugated plastic election signs for recycling through November 17th. Signs must be separated from their stands. Corrugated plastic signs can only be accepted at the Drop-Off; residents should not put them in their purple carts. Directions and hours for the Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-off can be found at https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/trash-and-recycling/recycling/dropoff.html. Signs made from soft plastic, plastic film, or plastic coated paper are not accepted for recycling at either the Drop-off or in recycle carts.
We would greatly appreciate your help promoting this resource to your neighborhood residents through your email lists and online platforms. We will also post recycling information for election signs on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/denver.recycles.fan), which we encourage you to follow and share to your page. If you have questions please contact me.
Thank you for your help and support of our programs.
Best Regards,
Becky Goyton | Education Program Assistant
City & County of Denver
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure | Solid Waste Management
303.446-3641 (w)