Historic Resources Study and Inventory Project to Begin Fall 2019
The Country Club Historic Neighborhood gateways at 4th Avenue and Franklin, Gilpin and High Streets are historic treasures within our community. Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) will embark on a study this fall of all historic structures in Denver, including the gateways. We hope this study will bring attention to their current state.
The initial phase of the study will inventory, evaluate, and classify historic buildings, monuments, gateways, and miscellaneous features. It will also include a preliminary condition evaluation of priority and/or endangered resources to ensure that no features or historic fabric are damaged or lost before further assessments and treatments are performed. Future phases will include a more detailed condition assessment, treatment recommendations and maintenance protocols for long-term preservation. The goals for the first phase of the work (anticipated to be completed by next spring) are outlined here.
Study Goals
• Create a comprehensive inventory of designated and known significant resources (parks and features) using readily available data
• Within the inventory of designated and known significant resources, identify high priorities and conduct reconnaissance reviews to define baseline conditions, assess integrity, provide general preliminary treatment needs and assist in setting treatment priorities
• Identify additional significant historical, cultural, and architectural resources (parks and features) within the DPR and DMP system using readily available data and based upon the current NRHP period of significance
• Define the DPR and DMP periods of development to assist in determining eligibility of parks and features outside the current period of significance
• Create a classification system of historic resources (parks and features) to assist in management of historic resources across the DPR and DMP systems. i.e., eligible for National, State, or local historic designation, important but not eligible, etc.
• Inform future planning and maintenance decisions within DPR
• Inform future condition assessments of individual parks and features
CCHN hopes to share more information about the results of the study as information becomes available.