Spring 2016 General news

Street sweeping begins in April, so please mark you calendar to avoid the costly tickets that will be handed out if you fail to move your car. Our neighborhood street sweeping occurs the first week of every month, with the specific day dependent upon the side of the street your home is on. You can also visit https://www.denvergov.org/pocketgov/#/ to sign up for email and text alerts.
• CCHN Annual Dues can now be paid online at countryclubhistoric.org or by downloading a membership form from the website and mailing a check to:
191 University Blvd. #514
Denver, CO 80206
Our dues are completely voluntary, and at $195 per year are also the lowest among Denver and surrounding area neighborhoods. Please consider making an extra donation to our beautification committee so we can keep our neighborhood colorful!
Street paving to begin later this year Many of our streets are in desperate need of repair, and the city has acknowledged this need. A firm date has not been set, but the work is expected to be completed this year. More information will be provided in the coming months.
• Security in our neighborhood One area that is funded by your neighborhood dues is security. Provided by HSS, security vehicles patrol our neighborhood 4 times a day most of the year, and 6 times during the summer months. Their primary role is to act as a deterrent to theft and other criminal activity. But if you’ve ever left your garage door open, you’ve probably received a call from the on-duty patrolman letting you know. If you are concerned about suspicious or potentially criminal activity in our neighborhood, please call 911.